How is everybody???? Afraid it's mass e-mail time again.
I'm in Tasmania! it's actually cold. i had to put a jumper on yesterday as i wandered round the docks looking at all the nice yaughts i would like if i were a millionaire. a girl can dream.
Anyhoo tassie is proving to be a good choice i left the humidity of Queesland last week for the heat of Adelaide. stayed with Liam for a few days, we went to the beach as it was far too hot to do anything else. yery nice beaches. and i saw my first Koala! so sleepy and cute and an even cuter tasmanian devil so i'm on the look out for one here which i can sneek into my rucksack and take home with me.
anyhoo i have a fruit picking job lined up to start on monday and i met a girl in my hostel who is doing the same job but starting on friday, strawberry picking. it's 2 weeks before the season actually starts so probably won't make much money but will at least be a week or 2 closer to my 3 months and new visa!
I tried to go to a nice antartic information centre thing today, which sounded really groovy in lonely plannet but i got there and the girl in the book shop next door said it closed down 2 years ago. grrrrr. so i went shopping instead and bought new trowsers and socks, was ment to buy a belt but you never end up getting the stuff you need where's the fun in that.
anyhoo, tomorrow is Australia day and nobody seems to know if there is anything on for it but most things seem to be shut. apparently i ought to have a BBQ abd a day in the pub, so that sounds like a plan.
oh i just realised how long it is since i e-mailed quick catch up.
Christmas was hot, we had roast Ham done on the BBQ, and very very tasty fish kebabs.
The Juice bar that i was working in was sold and there was a big mix up with my pay, but eventually i got the money and worked lots of hours to save up some cash and completly forgot to do any touristy things in Brisbane before i left so i will just have to go back again.
Claire my flatmate from Edinburgh came to visit and we went down to Byron Bay for a few days, had a terrible lack of accomodation and ended up sleeping in a 10 person teepee our second night which was actually quite fun, it rained LOTS. the sun came out the morning we left so we got to see the beach properly.
Geoffrey my brother got evacuated from his work because of cyclone claire and now a second one has evacuated him again. but all good just more time off i guess.
right i really have no news so i better go as internet is expensive here, $5/hour and apparently this is the cheepest in Tasmania.
hope your all doing good, let me know what your up to