East Terrace Continental (ETC) is probably my favorate breakfast place in Adelaide.

The boy took me here when I first arrived in Adelaide. I ordered a ETC works, full breakfast, when it arrived I cut my first peice of bacon and my breafast ended up upside down on the floor. I started my very British appologising,"Oh dear, no it was my fault, dreadfully sorry..." when the waitress whisked it away and appeard a few moment s later with a new breakfast from the kitchen. I was so Impressed with the service I have recomended this place time and time again.

Today was no disapointment, We ordered breakfast at the front counter and impressivly quickly it arrived at the table.

I ordered the ETC Full breakfast.

The boy ordered the Mixed Grill
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East Terrace Continental
6 East Terrace
Adelaide 5000
Tel:08 8359 2255
Hours: 7am-4pm 7days
Breakfast: 7am-3.45 Lunch 11am-3.45