Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Forky Tailed Issues

We are having some issues in our flat at the moment with what I call Forky Tails.
They are little bugs about 3cm long with a forked tail.
Today I found a dead one in the hall. yesterady a living one in the sitting room and a living one and a dead one in the bathroom.
Today I hoovered the Kitchen, Sitting room and Bathroom really well.
I gave the bathroom a good scrub, It probably all needs doing.
I didn't mind them so much when they were on the grapes I was picking as they ate the millie bug.
Last weekend our Neighbour pulled down the Passionfruit vine. The back garden looks so bare and way less private. I wish we had had a BBQ before it happened but it can't be helped. Liam thinks this is where the Forky Tails have come from as now there home is gone they are looking for a new one. He may well be right.
At the weekend we went to a 2nd Hand book sale and bought 5 carrier bags of books for $5 it may be time to buy a new book shelf.
Work Afternoon Shift
Wine Oxford Landing Rose
3 stars
Moods. Good-fair

1 comment:

Suzer said...

I found one of those in our bathroom as well the other week. I forgot what the hubs called them but he said they weren't good. Seems a few spiders and other assorted bugs are coming in the past few weeks:( I think I need to go through the house and do a good vacuum of all the webs.